How to Remove Black Stain in your electric iron bottom using few ingredients

Black Stain in your electric iron bottom how to fix it
when using your electric iron Long term  you can see  Black and dark Stain in your electric iron's normel .

But do you know how to remove Black Stain in your electric iron bottom using few ingredients.Its easy to do, have lot of methods to  Remove Black Stain in your electric iron bottom. read bellow tricks to know Remove Black Stain in your electric iron bottom.

1. Remove Black Stain in your electric iron bottom using Coarse Salt
  • Put cotton towel on to iron board 
  • Now put few tablespoons of  salt on  cotton towel 
  • Plug iron to electric power  and  let it  heat max level
  • When your iron heat max plug off (Disconnect  from electric power ) 
  • Now iron cotton towel with salt
  • Do it Several times to remove Black Stain in your electric iron 
2. How to use Vinegar and Salt for fix To obtain a solution to   Black Stain in your electric iron bottom
  • Take equal amounts of salt and vinegar
  • Put in to pot but it Should be able to keep on gas stove
  • Now heat that  mixture until dissolves salt and don't heat until boiling
  • After heat  Vinegar and Salt mixture Keep removed from gas stove and let it to cool few minutes 
  • Now take A cotton cloth and Dip it heated vinegar-salt solution
  • After try to wipe gently   bottom of your iron until remove black  Stain 
When use above Vinegar and Salt mixture
  •  Remember to Wear waterproof gloves reason  heated  Vinegar and Salt mixture can damage to your skin
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