How to clean your desktop PC Processor Fan and heatsink

Clean your PC  Processor Fan

Today in this article ready to show you "How to clean your desktop PC  Processor Fan and heat sink" 

When clean  Processor Fan and heat sink it will be help to  reduce the noise the fan makes too. Now Lets try to clean step by step  Processor Fan and heat sink.

✪ Unplug the CPU fan plug 
  ✪ Next unfasten the CPU cooler (turning the top pins)
✪ Now pull the pins out 
✪ Next Step remove heat sink from the fan
✪ Wash heat sink for remove the dust 
✪ Use Towel or dry paper to wipe heat sink 
✪ Next  clean the heat sink fan dust using paper or dry cloth 
✪ After cleaning heat sink and fan a try to assemble again correctly (heatsink and fan)
✪ Before installing  the heat sink back to  motherboard  apply some thermal paste on your CPU  (You can buy thermal paste tube from the market)
✪ Next replace the cooler straight  on the CPU

✪ Now push the pins and turn it to opposite direction (There are four pins to push)
✪ Finally step connect CPU fan cable to motherboard

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