How to make Mango jelly with diabetasol

Special Mango jelly recipe

This is a really easy recipe for  make mango jelly with diabetasol. Specialy this mango jelly recommend to eat people who has diabetes.

It's simple and easy recipe now you can try to make it at home.

First you want find bellow ingredient to make  Mango jelly

Ingredient list
  • Diabetasol sweetener - 3 grams
  • Mango (1/2 table spoons)  - Cut in to small pieces  
  • Mango essence -1Tsp
  • Gelatin powder - 1/2 Tsp
  • Water - 500ml 

✪ Mix gelatin with hot water and keep aside for use later

✪ Now put some water to pot and heat it

✪ Next add 3 diabetasol to it and stir it (3grams of diabetasol )

✪ Add gelatin to it and stir to mix well (Take gelatin mix )

✪ Next add mango flavoring  essence to it and mix well

✪ Now stir all and boil for 10 minutes also mix well

✪ Now  take Mango pieces and put them to medium size bowl

✪ Now add jelly mix to bowl

✪ Now mix well mango pieces with jelly mix

✪ Keep the jelly mixture in refrigerator at least 12 hours , allow to the jelly mixture to settle

✪ Take out mango jelly mixture after 12 hours and now you can eat it
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