How to Get Rid bad smell from mouth (Ayurvedic Mouthwash recipe )

How to make ayurvedic Mouthwash liquid at home using few kitchen ingredients

Bad smell from your mouth can happen due to many reasons.not using a brush to clean your teeth,eating baked item,smoking or drinking,eating more sweets,etc These are just a few of the reason

However there are  lot of product, medicine and more methods to Get Rid  bad smell from mouth. using mouthwash liquid One of them.
today we are ready to explain you how to make mouthwash liquid at home. First you should found few ingredients.

01. 1 table spoons of Cinnamon pieces
02. 1 tea spoons Salt
03. 1 table spoons of Clove
04. 2 Cardamom
05. 2- 1/2 cup of water

✪  Take pot and add it to
 1 table spoons of Cinnamon pieces
 1 tea spoons Salt
1 table spoons of Clove
2 Cardamom
2- 1/2 cup of water 
Next   boiling it for about fifteen minutes

 ✪ After 15 minutes, filter the mixture using sieve

✪  After cooling down that mixture put in to glass bottle for later use 

✪ Use daily this liquid for wash your mouth , it's helps to you  Get Rid  bad smell from mouth also its helps to  get rid diseases of Teeth and Gums

details - siriya page

Mouthwash, halitosis , bad breath treatment, Cinnamon, cardamom,clove,salt,Cardamom for mouth,Salt for mouth,Clove for mouth,Ayurveda Mouthwash,diseases of Teeth ,diseases of Gums,mouth smell,antimicrobial, anti fungal, toothache,Teeth and Gums,katda gada gasima,mouth watering, Ayurveda for mouth diseases,Ayurveda medical ,gum disease, Ayurveda treatment,
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